Flepnis feljegyzések

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az élet napos oldala

2009.08.31. 02:45 | bokember | Szólj hozzá!

gallows humor - akasztófahumor It is similar to black comedy but differs in that it is made by the person affected. Murderer James French has been attributed with famous last words before his death by electric chair: "How's this for a headline? 'French Fries'".

Címkék: filmzene monty python humor angol kifejezés

ajándék lónak

2009.08.30. 05:02 | bokember | Szólj hozzá!

Beggars can't be choosers.Prov. If someone gives you something you asked for, you should not complain about what you get. I asked Joe to lend me his bicycle, and he sent me this old, rusty one. But beggars can't be choosers. Jill: Let me wear your green dress; I don't like the blue one you lent me.…

Címkék: koldus angol kifejezés

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