....arra a kérdésre, mit jelent egy magyar felmérés válaszai közt az, hogy "a maga módján vallásos", valaki ezt a zseniális választ adta: Ha a Fidesz kérdezi, vallásos, ha a szocik, nem vallásos.
"Although this movie is not exactly what I would call a "ride" or "fun" or anything like that, it certainly is a damn good piece of cinematography. It's definitely no spider-man, fantastic four, or hellboy, but it is better than the dark knight, which I found pleasing."
egy gamer forumon olvastam :) X-Kalibre [0] Posted 10-27-2008 6:03pm [quote] Deman92 said: well game aint that bad, but the ai isn't that smart. they see through bushes and stuff. ... wanna know why? 'cos…